Bird Guides

Are you going on an birding trip? Then you will need a good bird guide to properly identify the birds you come across. NatureScanner offers bird guides for different countries. Most of the guides are foldable, laminated cards - so called field guides - that point out the most common birds in the area. Easy to bring along, since they are lightweight and really helpful in detecting birds on your destination. NatureScanner's field guides are poorly available in the country you're traveling to, so make sure you get your copy beforehand.

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  • Birds of the Netherlands and Belgium
    Birds of the Netherlands and Belgium

    This field guide is only available in Dutch language.

    € 7,90
  • Africa Bird guide
    Africa Bird guide

    Bird Guide AfricaField guide of birds in Africa - Plasticized, foldable map of the most common bird species in Africa.

    Birds in AfricaThis fold out Africa bird guide is a must have for every traveler interesting in birds…

    € 9,85
  • Alaska Birds
    Alaska Birds

    Do you want to identify common bird species during your trip to Alaska? This bird guide with illustrations is perfect for you.

    € 9,85
  • Alberta - Birds
    Alberta - Birds

    Birds in AlbertaA laminated pocket guide about birds in in Alberta, Canada

    Bird guide AlbertaAlberta is the permanent or seasonal home of over 400 species of birds, including the great horned owl. This captivating illustrated…

    € 9,45
  • Birds of Australia
    Birds of Australia

    Bird guide of Australia: folded field guide with illustrations of the most common bird species in Australia. Easily to slip into your pocket on your nature road trip through Australia.

    € 9,45
  • Belize - Birds guide
    Belize - Birds guide

    Field guide of Belize birds. In this pocket nature guide you will find the most common observed bird species.

    € 9,95
  • Brazil birds
    Brazil birds

    Field guide to bird species in Brazil. Handy bird guide with more than 140 species. The laminated fold-out card is easy to carry.

    € 9,85
  • Caribbean Birds
    Caribbean Birds

    Bird guide of the Caribbean IslandsThe Caribbean is home to more than 550 regularly occuring bird species, including 100 endemic species. Many of the Caribbean islands have their own parrots, flycatchers etc. In addition, the…

    € 9,45
  • China bird guide
    China bird guide

    Field guide of birds in ChinaThis illustrated pocket guide contains the most often seen birds in China. It is laminated to withstand the elements and fits into your pocket. Check out the common encountered bird species of China…

    € 9,85
  • Colombia bird guide
    Colombia bird guide

    Bird Guide Colombia: The most common birds in Colombia. Handy laminated, foldable field guide with detailed illustrations.

    € 9,95
  • Costa Rica - Birds Atlantic lowlands and Caribbean Coast
    Costa Rica - Birds Atlantic lowlands and Caribbean Coast

    Costa Rica birds of the Atlantic Lowlands and the Caribbean CoastLaminated field guide of the birds on the Caribbean Coast of Costa Rica.
    Costa Rica birds of the Atlantic coast: Atlantic Ocean and Caribbean | Rainforest…

    € 9,95
  • Costa Rica - Cloud forest and Highland birds
    Costa Rica - Cloud forest and Highland birds

    Birds in the Cloud Forest of Costa RicaPlastified field guide with most encountered birds in the Cloud Forest and Highlands of Costa Rica.
    Costa Rica - Cloud Forest and Highland Birds Pocket field guide | Rainforest Publications…

    € 9,95
  • Costa Rica - Birds of the Nicoya Peninsula
    Costa Rica - Birds of the Nicoya Peninsula

    Birds of the Nicoya Peninsula and the dry forest of Guanacaste - Costa RicaPocket field guide for the most common birds in the province of Guanacaste and the Nicoya Peninsula in Costa Rica.

    Birds of Guanacaste in Costa RicaIn the…

    € 9,95
  • Costa Rica - Birds of the Pacific Rainforest
    Costa Rica - Birds of the Pacific Rainforest

    Folding Guide - Birds of Costa Rica (southwest jungle)Plasticized folding guide of Costa Rica - Guide of birds in the southwest rainforest of Costa Rica.

    Birds in southwest of Costa RicaIn the southwest of Costa Rica some of the…

    € 9,95
  • Cuba birds
    Cuba birds

    Bird watching CubaThis bird guide shows the most common bird species in Cuba| Waterford Press 978-1-58355-981-9

    Bird guide CubaCuba is the largest island of the Caribbean Sea. It is home to more than 350 bird species, of which 21…

    € 9,45
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