Hawaii Field Guides

Hawaii equals paradise. There simply isn't a more stunning destination when you are in need of natural beauty, both above and below the surface of the Pacific Ocean. Our travel guides are mainly concerned with Hawaii's marine life. If your are planning on diving during your Hawaii vacation, you would want to get familiar with all the fish and marine mammals that are found in the Pacific along the Hawaiian coast. NatureScanner offers some excellent field guides that can help spot fish and marine mammals. Another amazing opportunity to get up-close and personal with Hawaii's marine life, is to go on a whale safari. Around Hawaii's island, there is an abundance of big mammal's, which are all described in our field guide.

Waterford Press Hawaii and Rainforest Publications Hawaii

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  • Hawaii Wildlife
    Hawaii Wildlife

    Wildlife guide HawaiiField guide of common animal species of Hawaii | Waterford Press

    Animals in HawaiiWhich animals live in Hawaii? This fold out pocket guide shows the most seen animals in Hawaii: seashore life, butterflies and…

    € 9,45
  • Hawaii Birds
    Hawaii Birds

    Field guide with illustrations of the most common birds in Hawaii. The nature guide is laminated and easy to carry in your luggage. On the back, a mini-map highlights the best birding areas.

    € 9,85
  • Hawaii - Reef fishes - 1
    Hawaii - Reef fishes - 1

    Handy diving guide featuring small reef fish around Hawaii. A must have for anyone diving in Hawaii. The guide includes common fish species illustrated with images.

    € 8,95
  • Hawaii - Reef fishes - 2
    Hawaii - Reef fishes - 2

    Diving guide with an overview of large fish, such as sharks and rays, found in Hawaii. Handy for divers who want to identify the species they have seen. Laminated dive guide.

    € 8,95
  • Hawaii - Marine mammals, whales and dolphins
    Hawaii - Marine mammals, whales and dolphins

    The common whales and dolphins in Hawaii are listed in this marine mammal guide. The animals are illustrated to help you easily recognize them.

    € 8,95
  • Volcanoes

    Guidebook about volcanoes with handy facts about this fascinating natural phenomenon. Great for deepening knowledge before a trip or useful for a presentation.

    € 9,85
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